Fitness Friday: Getting back into a Routine after being Ill

I’m sure that you’ve probably taken a stab or two at what this post is about. Over the past weekend, I suffered from a bout of stomach flu. Anyone who’s ever had it can just about understand how horrible I felt. That being said, I haven’t actually done any exercise this week. I’m still getting back into the swing of things, don’t judge me too heavily. After suffering from stomach flu, one gets this ‘lethargic’ phase (or at least I do) where I’m just too tired to anything, I even struggled to go to class this week and I’ve been coming home and sleeping in a furious attempt to grasp my energy pre-ailment. Like I explained last week Tuesday in my Motivational Tuesday post, having setbacks (in this case being sick) are often quite frustrating. But here’s the thing, have you ever thought the reason that you’re too sick is that you have over-exerted yourself and your body is struggling to cope? With the stomach flu, you catch it from someone and when you live in a house with 9 other students it’s bound to happen sometime. Nevertheless, being sick is debilitating. Some people say you should exercise while you’re sick, but I don’t believe that because your body may not be able to cope with this extra exertion and it may get worse. So take this time off from your fitness and give your body a chance to heal. When your body is healed, you can try again. It often takes me a few days to get back into my routine, just because being sick makes me tired, so I like to try and rebuild my stamina before I give it another go. And when I do, I’m stronger for that break that I gave myself and I feel better after I exercise. Just give your body a break; maybe reassess how you are going about your fitness program. Are you doing too much, so much so that your body is giving out under the extra exertion? Sure they say no pain no gain, but your body has a limit, so be careful how far you push it. I hope what I’m saying makes sense. Have a good weekend. See you next Tuesday…

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