Hi guys, so today I'm going to get really serious with you. Recently I experienced a really bad setback. Experiencing a set back really really sucks. You work really hard to get something, yet you miss it. And it sucks, it just sucks. So how do I deal with setbacks? Before I even start figuring out how I am going to get through it, I have a plethora of negative thoughts, which unfortunately is part of my nature, which I'm trying to work on. Unfortunately being a first year, everything is kind of thrown at you all at once. And when you face a setback as a first year, it all seems worse. Well I sit and cry for about an hour, then I snack on any junk food I can find and take a nap for at least an hour. Then I wake up and I feel slightly better, but I still have that sucky feeling. Ya know what I'm saying. S I get up, take a breath and workout, to try and blow off some steam. Take a shower, surround myself with people who love me and support me, then begin ...
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