Motivational Tuesday: Digging deep to find the will to study....
Motivation is a fickle thing, it comes and goes in waves. Have you ever taken on a task, only to find that you just don't have the energy to finish it?
Well after months of tests and and studying, I woke up this morning with a revelation: enough is enough. My exams come up in two weeks and I know that I need to start studying, but I just can't find the will.
And as the weather changes so too does my need to study.
See here's the thing: success is not linear. There will be ups and downs, but you'll get there. Even if it's no as quickly as
So what would I recommend for the moment. For me, I'm just going to have to force myself to study, because no one else will force me to do it.
How do you find motivation to study at the end of the year?
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