Motivational Tuesday: Making a Comeback After a Setback

Hi guys, so today I'm going to get really serious with you. Recently I experienced a really bad setback. Experiencing a set back really really sucks. You work really hard to get something, yet you miss it. And it sucks, it just sucks. So how do I deal with setbacks?
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Before I even start figuring out how I am going to get through it, I have a plethora of negative thoughts, which unfortunately is part of my nature, which I'm trying to work on. Unfortunately being a first year, everything is kind of thrown at you all at once. And when you face a setback as a first year, it all seems worse.

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Well I sit and cry for about an hour, then I snack on any junk food I can find and take a nap for at least an hour. Then I wake up and I feel slightly better, but I still have that sucky feeling. Ya know what I'm saying. S I get up, take a breath and workout, to try and blow off some steam. Take a shower, surround myself with people who love me and support me, then begin on coming up with plan "ALPHABET". It's not easy to pull yourself back together after a setback but it's important to distinguish that you have not failed. You are NOT a failure just because you experience a setback, however you can become one by giving up and deciding that your goal was not worth the effort.

One setback is just one setback, it's not the end of the world. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off  and try again. You'll get there, it will just take time.

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