
Showing posts from 2020

I Drank 2 Liters of Water every Day for 30 Days... Here's What Happened

"I believe that water is the only drink for a wise man" -    Henry David Thoreau Hello, my little chickadee dickadees! How have you been? Haven't spoken in a while, but let's be honest I battled to blog every week. My life is so crazy with my Honours degree that I barely even have time for myself, let alone time to think up a blog post. Yet here we are… It occurred to me last month that a simple solution to my writer's block was to try something new every month and report back on what happened. So I decided to up the amount of water I was drinking for 30 days. This meant drinking 2litres of water a day for 30 days. This only refers to the intake of water, not coffee or tea. To be honest, I probably drank more than two litres (other beverages included), but I wanted to focus on a round, seemingly attainable number. 2 Litres seemed doable to me. Over time, water replaced soft drinks and I actually started to like the taste of ice-cold water, especi

Why I Meditate... and what my Disney character is

In my last post, I mentioned that I wanted to better my well-being this year. Physical, mental and spiritual well-being. I didn't explicitly state my resolutions, but I did give you the gist of it.   "Meditation is a vital way to purify and quiet the mind, thus rejuvenating the body" - Deepak Chopra Some part of me has always been inherently spiritual. I was introduced to meditation when I was in the third grade. We had been given free time and one of my friends was sitting peacefully in the corner of the classroom, legs crossed and eyes closed. I sat down next to her and asked her what she was doing and she simply replied "meditating". She asked me if I wanted to join her and I did. Although that was years ago, when I think about what piqued my interest in meditation, that memory always comes up. Since then meditation was always an "on-again/off-again" habit of mine. I decided to take meditation more seriously last year when my anxiety w

New Year, New Blog, New Me?

"I expect nothing less than Gatsby level parties for the next decade" We did it! 😄🎓 Since my last post in November 2017, I have been busy. Second and third-year were filled with work, work and more work. I got to study courses that were more interesting to me, such as Genetics and Physiology. But as the workload intensified, the time for blogging became less until it was non-existent. One of the reasons I have returned is that keeping a blog was like keeping a journal. It enabled me to write about things I was interested in and became an outlet for my creativity. When I started my blog, I was in first year and living in a pretty toxic environment and my blog was a way to escape that place. In the middle of second year, I moved into my own place and out of the negative place I was in. I guess leaving that place meant I didn't need an escape and so my posting declined. As of December 2019, I have graduated from university with a Bachelor of Science. Gradu