Why I Meditate... and what my Disney character is

In my last post, I mentioned that I wanted to better my well-being this year. Physical, mental and spiritual well-being. I didn't explicitly state my resolutions, but I did give you the gist of it. 

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"Meditation is a vital way to purify and quiet the mind, thus rejuvenating the body" - Deepak Chopra
Some part of me has always been inherently spiritual. I was introduced to meditation when I was in the third grade. We had been given free time and one of my friends was sitting peacefully in the corner of the classroom, legs crossed and eyes closed. I sat down next to her and asked her what she was doing and she simply replied "meditating". She asked me if I wanted to join her and I did. Although that was years ago, when I think about what piqued my interest in meditation, that memory always comes up.

Since then meditation was always an "on-again/off-again" habit of mine. I decided to take meditation more seriously last year when my anxiety was at it's worst. One of the main benefits of meditation is that it decreases stress levels. Mindfulness meditation specifically decreases some of the physiological aspects of stress. I suffer from anxiety and I find that meditation helps me to become calmer and more in-tune with myself. It also helps me to get rid of the negative vibes and remove any pent up "toxic" energy. I just feel super "toxic" when I go for long periods without meditation. So, out of all the reasons for and benefits of meditation, I meditate to get rid of those "toxic" vibes. All in all, meditation works wonders for my mental and spiritual well-being, but it may be different for others. I'm only talking about my experiences here 😊.

I've also stayed committed to my exercise regime this week. One week may not seem like much, but celebrating small milestones are important as they can keep you committed. Celebrate the journey, not just the destination. Appreciating the journey helps me stay on track. It feels good to get back into my old routines.

I also took the time before writing this to do that viral Disney character filter that popped up on Instagram sometime in December. I got ELSA as my Dinsey character. Not really sure where that fits in because Frozen is my least favourite Disney movie (maybe I'll get into that another time). When I did a google search of the characters traits, she's described as sensible, powerful, fierce and independent among other things. So maybe we have more in common than I'd like to think.


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