New Year, New Blog, New Me?

Image result for gatsby gif
"I expect nothing less than Gatsby level parties for the next decade"
We did it! 😄🎓

Since my last post in November 2017, I have been busy. Second and third-year were filled with work, work and more work. I got to study courses that were more interesting to me, such as Genetics and Physiology. But as the workload intensified, the time for blogging became less until it was non-existent. One of the reasons I have returned is that keeping a blog was like keeping a journal. It enabled me to write about things I was interested in and became an outlet for my creativity. When I started my blog, I was in first year and living in a pretty toxic environment and my blog was a way to escape that place. In the middle of second year, I moved into my own place and out of the negative place I was in. I guess leaving that place meant I didn't need an escape and so my posting declined.

As of December 2019, I have graduated from university with a Bachelor of Science. Graduation was a satisfactory end to my three-year degree. A "pat-on-the-back" celebration of the hard work I have put in. It was never going to be something super exciting as I always knew that I would be graduating in 2019 so it was more satisfactory than exciting. I can't really explain it other than this because I can't really describe it in words. But I felt accomplished, to try and put it into words.

As for 2020, I am not sure what is in store for me. I would like to further my academics in Physiology or Human Genetics, specifically focusing on cancer research. If that isn't the case I would like to start working in the science field, but I'm not sure what exactly I want to do yet. But I'm 21 and I feel that I have time to figure out what I want to do. I don’t need to have my entire life planned out right now, I should focus on the here and now.

This year my focus is on a healthy body, healthy spirit and a healthy mind. Although I am a very different person now to who I was when I started this blog, I will continue to become the best person I can be. What that means, I am not sure yet. But I'll figure it out as I go along and I'll chronical that journey on this blog

2020 is a year of clarity and vision. The beginning of a new decade. I'm not one for sharing my resolutions online, but this January I'm focusing on getting back on track after the holiday season. I'm focusing on my physical and spiritual health through exercise and meditation. Essentially, I'm starting a journey that will hopefully last for some time. I'm also going to try and give less attention to negativity and be a "bawse" (is that lingo still acceptable in 2020). Sometimes you learn things from babysitting a two-year-old.

I think last year was the "Ten-Year" challenge (I'm not sure if that was the name, but I feel like you know what I'm talking about). A lot has happened in ten years. As my mother morbidly mused yesterday; "Between 2000 and 2010, we lost three family members. The same happened between 2010 and 2020. Interesting." Mothers say the strangest, creepiest things sometimes. Anyways, I leave you with my ten-year photo comparison, but let me know if any Gatsby-esque parties come your way 🎉.


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