Motivational Tuesday: Vacation All I Ever Wanted?
Finally! Yes; in three and a half days I get a week long vacation. Yay? Believe me, I can't wait to see my family again and have a chance to relax, but when I go back I get hit with tests and exams. So I ask you: is it really a vacation or a studycation? Do I really get the break that I so rightfully deserve? The answer is yes, definitely. The question is, what do I do with my week long break from student life? I plan to relax and curl up under some blankets with a nice large mug of tea and a good book, and actually relax without stress about the upcoming weeks. But how on earth can I relax with all the work that I am supposed to do? Simple. On my walk to campus today a truck drove past me with an interesting answer to my problems, as on the side it said "The best day to plant a tree is today," . Don't put of until tomorrow what you can do today. Be productive in the now, so you can relax in the later. Study when you have the chance, instead of...