Motivational Tuesday: Vacation All I Ever Wanted?

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Finally! Yes; in three and a half days I get a week long vacation. Yay?  Believe me, I can't wait to see my family again and have a chance to relax, but when I go back I get hit with tests and exams. So I ask you: is it really a vacation or a studycation? Do I really get the break that I so rightfully deserve? The answer is yes, definitely. 

The question is, what do I do with my week long break from student life? I plan to relax and curl up under some blankets with a nice large mug of tea and a good book, and actually relax without stress about the upcoming weeks.

But how on earth can I relax with all the work that I am supposed to do?

Simple. On my walk to campus today a truck drove past me with an interesting answer to my problems, as on the side it said "The best day to plant a tree is today,". Don't put of until tomorrow what you can do today. Be productive in the now, so you can relax in the later. Study when you have the chance, instead of putting it off and relying on caffeine induced cram sessions. Working hard now pays off. Doing is now reduces the stress of rushing it later.

And besides, nothing worth having ever comes easy...

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