Rain, Rain Go Away. Come Again Another Day?

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Once again it's a rainy day on campus. Not that I'm complaining. I love the rain. Rainy weather, or better yet, stormy weather, is the best weather. Why? If you don't have classes to attend, or feel like skipping them, curling up under a mountain of blankets with a novel and a warm beverage. For today it's hot chocolate and listening to relaxed lofi hip hop while I tackle leftover assignments. Although, I wish I had a huge bay window because I would just sit there and stare out into the rain, touch the glass and watch the droplets cascading down.But you can't always get what you want. Anyway, I'm just glad it's raining.

Rain is the perfect way to end a week on campus. In a way, it feels like a deep cleanse, both mentally and spiritually. Rain has the power to wash away all your worries and your fears, for a little while. Metaphorically it delivers an extremely powerful message: Although you may go through times when you feel down and everything is not going your way, the sun will come out and things will get better. Take a deep breath in and be patient, things may not be as bad as they seem.

When I was younger, my dad showed me a cult classic film, "The Crow", and although I found that it had a beautiful message about love, what I took away from it was that things will get better. After all, "It can't rain all the time, the sky won't fall forever."

But mostly I just like stomping and jumping in the puddles on campus. People may stare, but haters are always going to hate. Not to mention my almost two kilometer walk home from campus. There really is nothing like walking home in the rain. Sure, you may get a little wet, but to me it's an extremely calming thing to do. Maybe I'm just a child at heart, but rain really does bring a smile to my face...


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