Fitness Friday: The things I've Learned So Far...

Image result for weight loss mistakes

Nobody is perfect... That being said, everyone makes mistakes once in a while. I know I have. So I thought I share the more valuable lessons I've learned by making the mistakes I have. 

Look at this picture... What is wrong with it? No, it's not that one woman is skinny and her diet only consists of fruits and vegetables, whilst the other  is over

There's a reason why I hate the word diet. Google defines diet aweight and only eats junk food. Here's what's wrong: Why not BOTH? s " a special course of food to which a person restricts themselves, either to lose weight or for medical reasons". I don't know if this will make sense, but I feel that it's not fair to force yourself to give up the food you love. I have a loving relationship with food and I don't believe in forcing yourself to give up what you love as it's not the route to happiness. Moderation is key to incorporating these foods into your diet (btw, I'm not a dietitian, just an ordinary university student). Other mistakes I have made when it comes to food is not allowing myself to have snacks between meals, healthy snacks that is. Snacks help to reduce hunger pangs between breakfast and lunch and lunch and dinner, but it's important to keep them smaller than your main meal portions. To help reduce my portion sizes, I changed plate sizes (normally a side plate for  me now). I have taken out fizzy drinks as well and replaced them with water and there is a BIG difference. My skin is more clear now and I feel more energized. I have also learned that cooking your meals yourself  teaches you to eat healthier because you know exactly what you are eating.

The other massive mistake I made at the beginning was counting calories. Counting calories didn't work for me and was not good for me. The simple truth is: things may have the same amount of calories, but are not the same nutritionally. The other issue I had with calorie counting was that it made me feel guilty about eating junk food. Like I have said before, I don't believe in restricting yourself from the foods that you love. Thus I got rid of the calorie counter and am trying to eat new and healthier 

Another mistake that I made was that I never really wrote my goals for being healthy. That was a problem within itself. It is rather difficult to follow your goal if you don't make write it down. If you don't write it down, you struggle to identify your limitations. Or at least I have. So tonight, I plan on sitting down and really thinking about my goals, so that my journey doesn't hit roadblock after roadblock. Sigh.
                                                       Related image
When it comes to exercise, I started simply by running , the only problem is because I am petite (I'm 5ft 3) running isn't the best for me especially as it tires me out a lot. So at the moment I'm using workout apps, are they're working. But I definitely want to pick up running in the future when I'm more fitter. It can also be difficult to fit my varsity schedule in with my exercise, but at the moment I'm making it work.

                                  Image result for scale tumblr

The other big problem I made was that I didn't set a specific requirement for weighing myself, so my weight tended to fluctuate due to not completely measuring my weight at a constant time on the same scale. Scales are different and can show different weights, so it's really unsettling to see that you've gained, when you've actually lost. 

That's all I can provide when it comes to my mistakes. I hope that this helps you, I hope this helps you to not make the same mistakes I did. Have a great weekend everyone!

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