Fitness Fridays: My Journey to a Healthier Lifestyle

In the upcoming weeks I am going to be writing about my journey towards a healthier life in the hopes of inspiring others who want to start their own journey. This segment will include recipes that I love and cook for lunches, my snacking regime and what I learned about fitness.

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Healthy body, healthy mind. Happy life. At the moment I'm working on the former, because I plan on taking the time in the holidays after all the stress of my first year is over to work on my mind and my spirit. 

But for now I'm working on my body. 

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Throughout high school I wanted to gym, go running and eat healthily. To be honest, the latter had always been an afterthought. I just didn't eat the fruit and vegetables. Ask my friends and family, I was an extremely fussy eater. Anything I'd never tried, I would try not to turn my nose up.

Healthy eating makes for a healthier person. I still don't eat everything from the fruit/veggie food group, but I do eat more of them. I'm also making healthier choices, which I can't wait to share with you in the weeks to come. 

At the beginning it wasn't easy to ignore the chocolates and the chips, let alone the coffee...
As a self proclaimed coffee addict, cutting out all the coffee was not easy, but from Monday to Friday I have no coffee. At All. Instead I've replaced it with green tea, which has some amazing benefits and an interesting taste 🤔.

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Being a student and away from home makes it easier, because I don't have money for all the sweeter things in life. It makes it much easier to not eat junk food.

That being said, taking the healthier food road is slightly more expensive, but manageable.

As for exercise, I'm making excuses, I came home late in the afternoon and I had so much homework and studying to do that I didn't have much time for exercise. Now I'm making a daily effort to get extra exercise in as well as my walk to and from campus and the impact that it has had has been amazing.

To be honest, I've never really been comfortable in my own skin and I always wanted to be fitter. Now I know that I'm never going to be a skinny as the models that grace runways , but I know that I can be more fit and more skinny. But it's important to keep in mind that being healthy is the goal, not being skinny. I can't wait to share this journey with you.


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