I Drank 2 Liters of Water every Day for 30 Days... Here's What Happened
"I believe that water is the only drink for a wise man" - Henry David Thoreau Hello, my little chickadee dickadees! How have you been? Haven't spoken in a while, but let's be honest I battled to blog every week. My life is so crazy with my Honours degree that I barely even have time for myself, let alone time to think up a blog post. Yet here we are… It occurred to me last month that a simple solution to my writer's block was to try something new every month and report back on what happened. So I decided to up the amount of water I was drinking for 30 days. This meant drinking 2litres of water a day for 30 days. This only refers to the intake of water, not coffee or tea. To be honest, I probably drank more than two litres (other beverages included), but I wanted to focus on a round, seemingly attainable number. 2 Litres seemed doable to me. Over time, water replaced soft drinks and I actually started to like the taste of ice-cold water, especi...