Fitness Friday: How Important Developing a Positive Body Image

In the first post for this segment I mentioned that I have poor body positivity.  I know that this is something that I have to work on and something that I struggle with. Believing and loving yourself is actually very important to achieve your goals.

I was scrolling through Instagram the other day and I found a very positive message about body positivity that I thought I'd share with you. As I was reading through the post, I thought maybe I should try this out and incorporate developing a positive body image into my goal of attaining a healthy lifestyle. After all, to be healthy, one must have a healthy body and a healthy life.

I've never been outright negative towards myself, but there have been times when I try on every single item in my closet, thinking that the problem is me. And, although I don't like admitting it, at the moment there are quite a lot of things that I would like to change about myself. I do also often compare myself to other women. I hate that about myself.

I don't really understand why it is so difficult to accept who I am, in comparison with the rest of the world. We are all unique, different and special, but why do we struggle to see ourselves in such a positive light?
 When I was much younger I was bullied, mostly because I was the odd chubby girl, and I can definitely say that it did have some kind of impact on how I see myself today. It's safe to say that I have accepted my oddness, so why can't I accept that I'm as pretty as people seem to think I am?

I'm not always negative about the way I look. It's got a lot to do with which side of the bed I wake up on, not literally. Some days I feel absolutely fabulous, others not so much. I'm a work in progress, but I getting there slowly. Each day I make the right choices and believe in myself, is a step closer to my goal.

So if you're struggling with body positivity, take a look at these images,  they may inspire you in the same way that they inspire me to be more positive and to try treat my body the same way I would treat a friend.

Looking forward to the week long holiday, I'll be taking a break from my blogging for next week while I spend some time with my family so I'll be posting again when I'm back on campus.

Until then...
Image credits:
With permission from @asurelle:


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