The Fragility of Life

Ok, so I got to witness something really special today. I got to open up the chest cavity of a frog and watch it's heart beat, for a Biology practical. It's important for me to note that the frog was dead, frogs exhibit a phenomenon where the heart controls its own heartbeat  And as I was sitting there staring at this heart beat, I realized how fragile life actually is. So for personal reasons I'm not going to upload a video of the heartbeat, but if you are curious as to what it looks like I'll be posting a few videos on Instagram later on today. If you'd like to see that, it's @amberlyo. Back to the point of the matter, strip everything away and life is just a heartbeat, fragile. It's important to use it wisely, I know that seems cliché but it's true. There it is, simple, yet heavy Motivational Tuesday... Hope you guys enjoy the rest of the week, see you on Friday! 😊


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