Fitness Friday Q&A

No I'm not running out of ideas. Yes I did promise you recipes, but I'm still in the process of identifying the edible ones as I don't to be the blame for death. They are on their way, I promise but I'm still experimenting and I also am incredibly busy with university.

Image result for cooking experiments gif

But for now, I thought I'd have a quick Q and A about my fitness journey.

Q: When did you actually start your fitness journey?
A: Subconsciously, I guess when I started to walk to campus, and although it doesn't seem like a lot,
     walking 1,8 km to campus and back almost everyday at the beginning was no small feat.

Q: What kind of physical activities do you do?
A: Apart from walking to campus, I use a gym app and then run at least 2-3 times a week.

Q: What are your fitness goals?
A: In the long run I'd like to run the two oceans marathon, But at the moment I'm trying to be
     healthier and more athletic.

Q: If your past self met the new you, what do you think she would say?
A: I'd like to think that while she would be 'shook', I would like to hope that she'd admire the journey
     I'm on.

Q: What are you most proud of with regards to the changes that you have made?
A: Honestly, I'm most proud that I'm staying committed, but also that I'm eating healthy food that are
     more out of my comfort zone.

Q: Have you noticed any improvements from the changes you have made to your lifestyle?
A: Absolutely, and the results are not only visible in my physical activity but also in my perseverance
     and endurance have increased in leaps and bounds.

Q: What is the one thing that keeps you motivated?
A: Whenever I'm wanting to give up, I just think "Damn, Bikini season will be awesome!" and then I
     carry on. Rather superficial, I know but if it works then it works. 😉

That's all for now, sorry if it was slightly boring and short, am under pressure with the amount of work I have to do. Anyway, have a great weekend.

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